Written from a space of: Equanimity
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
My true nature is loving, kind, selfless, and encouraging
I give others the gift of my time and my heart
I listen to help, I offer words to encourage, I open my heart to love
This is the oil God has given me to distribute freely
Freely was a term I used literally
Gave it away to anyone who walked into my life
Later to learn that not all are deserving of my oil
It is precious, only to distribute wisely
Due to the abuse of my oil, I stopped production
Not intentional of course, rather a coping mechanism
To safeguard what I held near and dear - my time and heart
My oil lost it's original intent, as I decided to distribute ungenerously
Because I'd lost my way and no longer understood my gift
Those deserving received the leftover oil... the guarded me
I had to renew my mind to who God wanted to have it
To regain trust that I could one day again distribute wholeheartedly
God showed me that everyone needs my oil just not an equal amount
I am to love but not at the expense of not loving or dismissing myself
I am to be kind but cautious of who gets my time and energy
I am to be selfless to those that value and respect my position in their lives
I am to encourage but only going the extra mile for those that are receptive
I thank God for my oil and now understand how to distribute intentionally