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The Intimacy of Joy

Written from a space of: Perfect Joy

Speak to me.

Connect with me.

Explore every part of me.

Help me to learn what you know…I want to know your secrets.

Show me how you can fill my insides with pure satisfaction.

I want to need you.

Grow with you.

Love you in every way possible.

Demonstrate how to be still.

Teach me how to be comfortable and at ease in your presence.

Dependency here is not a weakness;

Rather a sustainability to my mind, a caress to my body, a feed to my soul.

What is life without you?



An adventure not worth living.

Be with me.

Reside in me.

And never, ever leave me.

For you are JOY!


Throughout my 43 years of living, I have come to learn what brings me authentic JOY. Not the JOY that just sounds good or the kind others want me to have, rather my own personal JOY.

In no particular order, below are the ways JOY flows into my life.

Connecting with God

When I am connected to God, I feel a heightened sense of JOY, peace, hope, and love. It’s an indescribable emotion. My heart smile at the sheer thought. I laugh at the reverence of it all. And I yearn to experience this type of connection often.

Time with Wifey

Ever since I laid eyes on my wife, she has brought laughter, JOY, and love to my life. No time goes unwanted. (Not even the arguments, as it communicates the areas we need to grow.) She is my Person and we are One. 😍

Mama Bear and Her Babies

One of the greatest gifts God has ever given me was the birth of Jayden and Jordan. Through them, I’ve learned unconditional love. Through them, I’ve learned to never give up. And through them, I’ve learned of a special, sacred place in my heart. As the saying goes…they are my pride and JOY!

Sisterly Love

My sister and I have a bond that cannot be broken. Our mother sealed that deal when she left this Earth, July 1979. She is my JOY in times of uncertainty and in times of celebration.

Pen in Hand

Writing is my lifeline. Without it…I. AM. LOST. It brings forth JOY, fulfillment and life’s purpose. It’s how I express my deepest emotions. And whether it be journaling, blogs, poems, short stories, emails, or love notes, every written piece is unique and special to me.

Music Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

A lover of words, it’s no wonder my JOY can be found in music. Lyrics and/or melodies come together to create the perfect vibe for any situation.

Old School Videos for $100, Alex!

As a teenager, videos were my simple in a world of chaos and confusion. Now, anytime I’m in a funk, I can turn on some old school videos to get me right. It puts me in a space of peace and JOY.


It’s rarely the event itself that gets me excited, it’s the pre-game I enJOY the most. The listening to music…the sipping wine…the getting all dolled up, ready to go out.

Helping Others

What’s life if you can’t help someone else? How I help? By listening and asking appropriate questions to help move the needle. It’s my JOY to help others brainstorm solutions.

Lesbian Fiction

Steamy hot lesbian sex, what’s more JOYous than this? A close second would be steamy hot gay sex. 😜 But for real, I love a good same-sex love story.

Fancy Dining

It’s not any old restaurant that brings a JOYful smile to my heart, it’s the elegant, upscale establishments. The kind where your experience is well worth the price.

A Clean House

When my house is clean, my heart is full. Coming home to a clean house, relaxing in a clean room, cooking in a clean kitchen, all communicate JOY to my soul.


Exercise is really not my thing but a good fast pace walk will have me feeling like I’ve accomplished something great! It’s the scenery and clearing my thoughts that I enJOY the most!

All Things Self-Help

What self-help author you know, don’t enjoy the company of other self-help material? It’s how we grow, learn, and hone our craft. But what speaks real JOY is when I have an issue, research the heck out of it, and then creatively work the solution into my life and writing. The issue goes from being a burden to a masterpiece!

So Fresh, So Clean

I’m sure everyone is in agreement in that the best feeling in the world is to be CLEAN! The JOY of going from icky, sticky, funk to smelling oh-so-good clean is like no other.

Creativity at It’s Finest

Now, this should have been at the top of my list. I can’t even begin to share how much love it brings to my heart when my creative juices get to flowing. Whether it’s in writing, scrapbooking, interior decorating, Canva designing, and/or birthday celebrations, I count it all sweet, heavenly JOY!!

Feeling Myself

Get your mind out the gutter!! (Although, if you read the next one, it’s not too far off. 😉) This, however, is in reference to reading something I wrote. I’m always amazed with the words I formed, in the order I formed them, and the passion behind them. I smile knowing this is me and what greater JOY than to be affirmed by yourself!

We’ve Reached the Climax

Now, we get to the juicy stuff! It’s a sensual time when I allow my body to completely relax and enJOY the soft caresses and kisses from the woman I love. It heightens every one of my senses and makes the release that much more pleasant.

Analytical Thinking

Any activity that requires me to use my analytical mind is an endeavor I enJOY. Escape Room, riddles, word games, and brainstorming are right up my alley. Would Candy Crush fit this category? 🤔

Laughs, Laughs, and More Laughs

Does the fact that I can quote all of Kevin Hart and Deon Cole’s comedy tell you anything about my love for stand-up comedy? Laughter takes away the worries of life and allows me to experience laughing JOY!

Dancing the Night Away

Where there is music and a big space, there is Nyta dancing. I can’t dance how I wanna, but I sure can find my groove and get lost in the music. The freedom in which my body flows makes for a JOYous experience every time!

Order to Chaos

Call it the project manager in me, but I absolutely love organization type projects. Whether it’s organizing my pantry, my thoughts, or an actual project, I’m in a zone like no other. The JOY comes from putting order to chaos.


Want to release stress? Color! I get lost in making the page come to life! It’s a JOY I need to tap into more often.


I’m quit nostalgic, so any form of reminiscing on good times is a JOY in my book. And I absolutely love rereading text between me and my Boo! So glad I didn’t delete any!


Last, but certainly not least…meditation! When I remain in the present (not having regrets about the past or worried about the future), take time to just be, and act kinder to myself and others, there is nothing but sweet peace that fills me. This, legit, should be the definition of JOY!

So yea, this is my current list. What’s on yours?


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